Everything depends on the excellence of our community. Our vision is to support talent and diversity throughout all of Tuck’s programs and open new avenues to business education.
Competition for the very best MBA students has never been so fierce. Top schools are offering more and larger scholarships to admits than ever before. Expanding our financial support is critical to recruiting smart, accomplished students who continue our traditions of excellence and will help take Tuck to new heights.
Investment is needed to capitalize on the immense potential for joint programs that exists across the Dartmouth College campus. Strategic investments can generate new curricular offerings, entrepreneurship programs, and social impact initiatives that will leverage research, knowledge and methodologies across disciplines and promote a shared sense of community.
- Student Scholarships: Demand for Tuck’s Business Bridge program has soared amid the pandemic, but so too has the financial need of undergraduate students hoping to participate in Bridge and similar Tuck-Dartmouth programs.
- MBA Program Associates: Tuck MBA students serving as program associates are instrumental to the success of undergraduate students enrolled in programs like Bridge and TuckLAB. MBA students manage study groups, provide highly valued academic support, and in partnership with Tuck’s Career Services Office, career mentoring.
- Program Innovation: Opportunities abound for Tuck to tap into growing interest among Dartmouth undergraduates for practical business studies through new programs like specialized TuckLAB for E-Ship or Athletes and pilot programs for Engineering and Computer Science.
Visionary leaders and firms play an essential role in creating jobs, championing innovation, growing wealth and improving the conditions for a flourishing society. The advantage and potential for lasting impact lies with those leaders and firms that step to the forefront and take action to meaningfully move the needle on equity and representation in business. Investments to support participant scholarships for Tuck’s Diversity Business and Next Step Programs, the MBA associates who help run these offerings, and innovations to take these pioneering programs to the next level will fundamentally change lives, advance career trajectories, and improve representation in industry leadership.
- Participant Scholarships: Scholarship or sponsorship support plays a critical role in expanding access to business education, advancing the career trajectories of program participants, and improving representation in industry leadership.
- MBA Associates: Tuck MBA students serving as program associates provide mentorship, consult on real-life business issues, offer highly valued academic support, and in partnership with Tuck’s Career Services Office, career guidance.
- Program Innovation: Tuck has the opportunity to leverage its pioneering Diversity Business Programs, Next Step, and executive education offerings for women to increase the scale of its social impact like no other top school. Critical to expanding our impact is the development of online programs and post-program career support for participants.